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Walking before God

by Jacob Ninan

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We must never forget that the God we have to deal with is one who knows everything about us and who keeps track of everything that is going on in our life (Heb.4:13). As our Creator, He knows our thoughts and words even before they happen (Psa.139:2-4). This is the one to whom we have to give an account of our life one day, and at that time we will not be able to give any excuse or justification for our sins or place the blame on anyone else, because God knows even the motives and intentions of our heart.

But for many people, what concerns them most while they live on earth is what opinion people will have about them. Their honour before people is so important to them that they are even willing to kill in order to retain their reputation or to avoid shame. But we can never please everybody or have everyone liking us. The important fact is that however much we may manage to impress people, it is ultimately not to them that we are accountable but only to God.

Some Christians keep a guideline for themselves by asking the question, "What would Jesus do?" in the different situations of their lives. While this is good as a general principle, it will not work well with people who do not have a good understanding about Jesus, for example, with people who think that Jesus is always loving, kind, merciful, etc., without understanding the hatred Jesus has for sin and hypocrisy!

When it comes to God, we must remember that He is not concerned merely with the things we do externally but also with the things that go on secretly in our mind and heart (Rom.2:16). Many people content themselves with having a good reputation before people, while their inner lives are displeasing to God. But we have to live before God in such a way that our life becomes increasingly pleasing to God and able to fulfil His plans for us. As He examines us, our goal must be to be found blameless (2Pet.3:14,15). We must not forget that His judgment will be always righteous and impartial (Ezek.24:14). It will be a terrifying thing to fall into His judgment (Heb.10:30,31).

At the same time we rejoice that God has taken us out of His judgment and wrath, and accepted us as His children. Now we don't have to be scared of God, but our desire is to be pleasing to Him in every way, thinking of all the goodness He has showered upon us. When God called out Abraham to become a blessed man, He told him to walk before Him with the goal of being blameless before Him always (Gen.17:1). In the absolute sense, we are never going to be perfect before God while on earth since we have a sinful flesh with us. But we can strive to be blameless in our heart, in terms of our motives and intentions.

Paul knew that he was imperfect, but he did not let that knowledge become an excuse for him to continue to be as he was. "In order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead" (Php.3:11-13). It does not mean that he thought he was not going to be resurrected unless he had become perfect here. He was thinking about partaking more and more of the resurrection life – the divine nature. He constantly kept pressing on towards that goal which the Lord had set before him, without letting discouragement over his failures or satisfaction over his victories to hold him back.

To walk before God with integrity implies that we are going to be pressing on in the direction of perfection, even though we will not actually become sinlessly perfect in this life. It is inevitable that we will fall or make mistakes in this life journey, but even though God has planned a life of victory for us, He has also made provision for forgiving our lapses (1Jn.2:1). It is important, if we are to make actual progress in a life of victory, to acknowledge before God in all honesty whenever we fall, even in a small way. We must overcome the tendency to justify ourselves, find excuses or to blame others for our failures. God has promised to forgive us when we ask. We can also ask for added strength and wisdom to overcome the next time we are tempted.

We have to keep our goal as victory and avoid the tendency to take failure for granted. An honest acknowledgement of our failures will help us to cling to God in total dependence on Him day by day.

God promises us that as we walk in the light before Him – without keeping any darkness between us and Him, trying to hide from Him – that He will keep cleansing us from everything that rises us because of our failures (1Jn.1:6,7). It will be very crucial on our side as we walk before Him that we are completely honest and open with Him about everything that is going on in our life. He is merciful and understanding towards us, but He will not tolerate any duplicity on our side (Psa.18:26). But as we walk before Him, we can enjoy fellowship and intimacy with Him in an ever increasing manner (Psa.15:1,2).

In closing, just think of the opposite kind of life. Then we will be constantly trying to hide from God and people, fearing when we are going to be caught. God is long-suffering with us, and gives us a lot of time to repent. But if we don't repent, He will also expose us and put us to shame. Why would we choose that way of life when God offers us an increasingly abundant life as we learn to walk before Him in sincerity and truth?

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