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Pointers along the way #817

Wisdom from above

- Jacob Ninan

You can listen to this on YouTube

Wisdom, or the ability to know the right thing to do in any situation, is something we all need, and something that can be missing in many situations. Many times we realise what we should have done, after we have done something wrong and when we thought over it! We may generally admit our need for wisdom, but it is not usually something that we can receive instantaneously (even though it has happened in rare cases like that of Solomon when he asked God for it). Jesus was anointed with the Spirit of wisdom (Is.11:2). This Spirit of wisdom gives us insight that enables us to see and understand things in different situations that usually escape the notice of many others (Ps.119:99). This is something we need to constantly seek, for more and more of it (Pr.4:7;16:16). We will begin to seek it only when we realise and admit how we lack it! But even then, we ought to be prepared for a lifelong pursuit after wisdom along with regular admission when we make a mistake.

There are some characteristics that stand out in a person who grows in wisdom. One is the fear (reverence, respect) of the Lord (Ps.111:10). It is not just to fear the consequences if we go against His wisdom, but to recognise God as the supreme wise Person and to submit to Him. This is very relevant to understand these days when many Christians seem to pay more attention to what the 'experts' say, even at the cost of overriding what God says in His word. We need to examine ourselves to see what kind of wisdom we are looking for! Ultimately, wisdom should help us to understand what the will of God is in any situation, and then to do it (Ro.12:1,2).

There is a wisdom that is worldly or even demonic that is opposed to the wisdom that comes from God (Jas.3:14,15). James talks about jealousy and selfish ambition in our heart that can block us from receiving wisdom from God. These are just two examples here. The anger of man or any fleshly attitude or desire in our heart can prevent us from getting the wisdom of God (Jas.1:20). In order to grow in true wisdom, we have to make sure that our heart is tuned in a godly attitude (Jas.3:17). This includes desiring to understand the will of God above everything else and to do it.

Those who pursue after godly wisdom have to be prepared to be isolated from the so-called great people and experts of this world. Satan is who is influencing their mind, seeking to turn them away from God (Ep.6:12). These people may look down upon us, ostracise us and even work to put down our influence on the others. But Jesus has placed us here as the salt and light of the world (Mt.5:13,14). We must not allow the world to beat down our voice.

As the times draw towards the end, darkness will increase over the earth as godly wisdom gets replaced by demonic wisdom in the public places. But the rare ones who exhibit godly insight will become obvious, even though some may fall (Da.11:33,35).

With all our acquiring, let us obtain wisdom (Pr.4:7)!

Pointers are available in YouTube audio from #789.


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