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Pointers along the way #818

Leaving it all to God

- Jacob Ninan

You can listen to this on YouTube

God does tell us to transfer all our burdens to Him and to stop worrying (1Pe.5:6,7). What do we do after that? Do we carry on as usual, waiting for God to resolve them all? And then get upset with Him when that doesn't happen? That is to misunderstand what God has said. What He was asking us to do in the above passage was that we should stop worrying and trust Him instead. He didn't say, that was all that we had to do!

Imagine a girl asking God to find a husband for her and then thinking that one day Prince Charming will come riding on a white horse! Doesn't she have to start prayerfully considering different prospective candidates that come to her mind? In certain societies she may have to appeal to some marriage agencies to help her out! What this means is that we cannot put aside our responsibility to what we ought to and just put the whole responsibility on God. After having committed our matter before God, we ought to be listening to Him and doing what He tells us to do!

Some of our problems may be due to bad things we have done. In such cases, there are things we need to do to set things right, not merely by getting forgiveness from God, but also by apologising to people and changing our ways for the future. Imagine, instead, praying to God and expecting Him to sort out everything!

A couple who has problems in their marriage asks a man of God to pray for them, assuming that their problems are due to witchcraft or black magic someone is doing, without giving a thought to what they have been doing wrong to each other over time.

God's word tells us what to do in different situations (Ps.119:105). One of the biggest challenges we have is to be willing to face the fact that we have been doing many things wrong. Our tendency is to turn the focus on others or on God. Only humble people can acknowledge that they need to change. 1Pe.5:6,7 tells us to humble ourselves before God, and after having done that to cast our worries on God. If we humble ourselves we will admit that we don't know everything, there is much we need to learn, and there are many things we need to change from our side. When God points out such things to us, we will be willing to obey Him and make changes in our thinking, speaking and behaviour.

Sadly, many people think that prayer is the only thing they need. Shirking their own responsibilities they think they are depending on God, while neglecting to do what He tells them to do! They continue to be and to do what they have been doing in the past, and expect different results to come out from God. This is a total misunderstanding of God's and our responsibilities. We have done wrong and we are now suffering the consequences, and now we are expecting God to clean up our mess without taking any responsibility ourselves! Many 'popular' preachers are also giving such messages, giving people a false hope that ultimately fails them. There is a reaping (Gal.6:7). Let's learn to humble ourselves.

Pointers are available in YouTube audio from #789.


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