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Pointers along the way #835

Why do people resist God?

- Jacob Ninan

You can listen to this on YouTube

Look at the theory of evolution. If we look at it honestly from a scientific point of view, we can see that it is such a ridiculous theory. There are so many contradictions in it, and whenever some serious flaws are pointed out, someone will try to propose a different explanation or rewrite some part of the theory. But look at the passion with which it is being pursued! They will hold on to it as if their life depended on it. This is one way people can keep God out of their mind.

They are afraid to even consider God as an explanation for the world and life, because that will force them to recognise who He is. If they allow themselves to recognise Him, they know they will have to bow down to Him. They will have to give an account of their life to Him. They cannot continue to do whatever they like. This is the real essence of the issue. The real reason for resisting God is not, as atheists claim, a lack of evidence for God, but their unwillingness to submit to God.

And then there are many people who acknowledge God in their mind and words, but they still want to reign as the lord over their own life. They seek God for blessings and perhaps for social acceptance within their circles. They think they have found the best of both worlds, doing whatever they want and also getting blessings and protection from God. They think they can enjoy themselves in this life and also secure a place for them for eternity! Perhaps this is worse than the atheists because the atheists are plainly wrong, but these people are deceiving themselves.

If only these people came to know who God really is and chose to submit to Him! Once anyone comes to know God in the real sense, submitting is the only proper response (Ro.12:1). Then they will find out that submitting to God is not a bondage at all, but the greatest freedom ever (Jn.8:36)! He is the Creator and He knows what is best for us. Instead of making our own plans with the limited knowledge we have – we know too little of life, we don't know what is good for us, we don't know the future – it would be the wisest thing for us to lean on God as our Heavenly Father and let Him direct our paths (Pr.3:5,6). We can't imagine with our mind the things God has prepared for us until we begin to taste them (1Cor.2:9). The pleasures we can experience when we stay in His presence cannot be explained to an outsider (Ps.16:11).

God says it is a foolish man who thinks there is no God (Ps.14:1). People don't realise how foolish it is to use our limited abilities to understand God and then imagine that whatever opinion we reach must be correct! Some think there is no God, and some make up their own gods with their imaginations, and both of them imagine they are right! They don't seek to know what God has revealed of Himself to man. That is why they are really 'foolish'.

Do we have much time to take such chances with our life? Let us humble ourselves in our own eyes and before God and submit to Him.

Pointers are available in YouTube audio from #789.


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