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Pointers along the way #866

Superficial faith

- Jacob Ninan

You can listen to this on YouTube

Imagine a man thinking that all that one needs to do if he wants to be a Christian is to say with his mouth that Jesus is Lord and to believe that Jesus rose from the dead, based on Ro.10:9. Or another man thinking that all he needs to do to get his sins forgiven is to confess them (1Jn.1:9). These are words from God's word, but the problem is that these people are taking just some parts of the word of God and thinking that it is all that there is to it. What they have missed is the understanding of what sin is in the sight of God, seeing themselves as sinners as God sees them, recognising what they deserved as the punishment for their sins and what God had to do in order to save them from sin, and then repenting for their sins before God. As a result, they do not get their sins forgiven or get born again even though they think they are following the Bible!

If someone preached salvation in the above superficial manner and the listeners thought it was so simple and received it happily, the fact remains still that no actual change has taken place in the listener's heart but he assumes that everything is fine for him in relation to God. What a shock he will get when he gets to the final judgment!

Isn't it therefore good for everyone who assumes he is a Christian to examine the validity of his faith and salvation? One may superficially assume that I am judging him or bringing him condemnation. But I say this out of a sincere love and concern, and a wish that no one should be deceived in this manner. If there has been deception in this area, it is of a fundamental nature, and our eternity will be ruined because of it.

If people who just presume they are Christians, because they believe certain verses such as the ones given above, then go to Bible colleges which teach things in a superficial manner, and come out to become pastors of churches, what chances do their listeners have for becoming true Christians? I know there are people and churches like that, and that is why I am writing this so plainly even at the risk of someone thinking I am judgmental.

When we read the Bible, we need to read it as if we are looking into a mirror, to see what God really thinks about us, where we stand before Him, what He wants us to do and where He wants us to change. Let us not read it in order to complete a daily duty, or even to get points for our sermons! Let us not hold on to verses like the above to placate our conscience or to convince ourselves that it is all well with our souls. Let us be honest with ourselves in the sight of God when the Bible points out our faults, because that is God trying to save us. Instead of keeping up a great self-image, justifying our failures or shortcomings, or putting the blame on others, let us accept we are sinners who need a Saviour. That is what will lead us to salvation.

Satan has blinded the minds of many (2Co.4:4). But it is in our interest to make sure we get saved. Therefore, examine God's word.

Pointers are available in YouTube audio from #789.


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