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Pointers along the way #872

Young Christian girls going wrong

- Jacob Ninan

You can listen to this on YouTube

I am writing this with a lot of concern as well as compassion for girls who make a terrible mistake when it comes to marriage. As they grow through their teenage years, they begin to develop a longing to get married, which is quite normal. But if they find themselves still unmarried after some time, and family members and others begin to question them about their marriage plans, they begin to become somewhat desperate too. Then one of the things they do is to get attracted to unbelievers or even married men, imagining that they have finally found someone who loves them.

There is a good reason why God tells His children not to get married to unbelievers (2Co.6:14). We cannot enjoy a satisfying relationship in marriage unless we are agreed on the direction we want our marriage to go. If one is a child of God and the other of the Devil, how can they be agreed about the most important part of their lives (Jn.8:44). The man may show a nice behaviour externally, but time will inevitably show what is inside. If the girl really knows Jesus as her Saviour and the Holy Spirit dwells in her, she needs to know that it is a huge mistake to get married to a child of the Devil. Just look around and see the number of cases where the marriage has gone sour because of this one factor.

Girls may argue that this particular man is actually better than many believers they know! He may be putting on a show just to impress and deceive her! The believing man may have a bad start, but ultimately he can become a better husband because God is working in him. But the unbeliever is only going to go from bad to worse. Some men may promise girls that they will have freedom to go to church and there will be no interference on religious matters. Even assuming that this will hold true afterwards, which doesn't happen many times, will that bring the couple to enjoy a oneness of heart and mind, which is the blessing of a happy marriage? Some girls make themselves believe that God has brought these men into their life so that the men could ultimately become converted! Do you think God will first ask you to disobey Him, in order to bring about a good ending later?

Psychology teaches us that when people become 'infatuated', the thinking part of their brain gets sidelined and they can no longer understand or accept reason. So, it is important that all believing girls should be clear before they come to the question of marriage, that they will only get married to believing men. It is true that this can be challenging, especially when there is pressure from parents or others. But remember it is your life. If you give in to this pressure, you are the one who will have to face the consequences even after your parents are no longer there.

Please remember at the same time that all men who claim to be believers are not. Get to know them. Ask God to show you.

Remember you have a heavenly Father who cares for you more than earthly parents can.

Pointers are available in YouTube audio from #789.


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