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Pointers along the way #876

One test for spiritual growth

- Jacob Ninan

You can listen to this on YouTube

How is our spiritual life, day to day, in a practical sense? Is it about certain things we do, such as Bible reading, prayer, attending church, church activities, etc.? Of course, from looking at the opinion Jesus had about the Pharisees who were specialists in such things, we know that these things can be actually disconnected from what is going on inside us. It is what goes on inside, our thoughts, desires, plans, ambitions, intentions, values, etc., that make us spiritual, carnal or natural. How much attention do we give to these things?

Imagine if we are involved with our work, buying, building, etc., most of the time, apart from the 'Christian' activities mentioned above, and if we fall into any sin such as losing our control or saying something hurtful we say sorry and ask God for forgiveness. Then we might imagine that we are not committing gross sins such as adultery, murder or robbery, and that we are nice, decent Christians. But is it possible that we have not been paying much attention to what is all going on inside us?

Jesus says, "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside they are full of robbery and self-indulgence" (Mt.23:25). These people were more than careful with how they behaved outside, but when it came to their inner life, it was all wrong. But they were not aware of it, and they thought that God was very impressed with them!

What this teaches us is that what is going on inside is more important to God than how we behave outside (1Sa.16:7). Concerning the outside, we may be careful to preserve our reputation before people, and our motive in watching our behaviour may not be actually to be pleasing to God. That can be seen if we are free with our thoughts – indulging ourselves with all kinds of thoughts thinking that no one can know – while imagining that we are living good Christian lives.

But if we indulge in jealousy, bitterness, unforgiveness, revenge, sexual imaginations, selfish agenda, scheming to put others down, etc., how can we consider ourselves spiritual? If, at the same time, we are proficient in our Bible knowledge and discussing doctrines, taking part in intercessory prayers, and doing other things in the church, people may give us the same respect that they gave the Pharisees.

"For I say to you that unless your righteousness far surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven" (Mt.5:20). If we have only an external righteousness, it is not enough proof to show that we have been saved. If we are truly born again, a change would have come in our attitude towards sin (1Jn.3:9). Let us remember that sin here refers not only to what we commit externally, but where we indulge ourselves in our heart and mind, away from the view of the people around us. Let us allow the Holy Spirit to point out to us wherever we go wrong, without calling it 'condemnation' (Is.30:21)!

Pointers are available in YouTube audio from #789.


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