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  Comfort & Counsel
  The Great Bible Story #99
More miracles

Jacob Ninan
After a long talk with people one evening, Jesus sent off His disciples in a boat to the other side of the lake and He went up on a mountain to spend time alone in prayer. As the night went on, a strong wind began to blow and the disciples began to struggle with the boat. Jesus got down from the mountain and walked on the water towards the boat. When they saw Him coming they got frightened thinking it was a ghost! But Jesus shouted out at them that it was He. Peter suddenly thought that if Jesus was walking on the water perhaps He would make him also to walk. At his request, Jesus asked him to come towards Him. Peter started walking, but then he looked around and saw all the waves. When he lost his courage he began to sink. But Jesus caught him and took him into the boat!

One day the Spirit prompted Jesus to go to Tyre which was quite a distance from Galilee. When He reached there, a woman of Canaan met Him and pleaded with Him to heal her daughter who was possessed by a demon. Jesus began to test her by saying such mercies were only for God's people, and that children's food should not be thrown away to dogs. But she would not give up and said that dogs could at least get the crumbs that fall down from the table. Jesus marvelled at her faith and said that her daughter would be healed. It happened at the same instant.

When Jesus was on the top of a mountain with His disciples Peter, James and John, His face began to shine brightly like the sun, and His clothes became dazzling white. Then Moses and Elijah appeared and started talking to Him. When Peter saw this he blurted out that they should build three tents, one each for Jesus, Moses and Elijah. But suddenly a cloud came and covered them, and they heard the Father's voice saying this was His beloved Son and asking them to listen to Him! The mistake Peter made was to equate Jesus with Moses and Elijah.

When they came down from the mountain they found a crowd around a young man who was being thrown around by a demon. His father told Jesus that His disciples could not cast out this demon. Perhaps they had become scared by seeing the powerful manifestations, even though they had themselves cast out demons in the past with the authority of Jesus. Jesus scolded them for not trusting Him enough, and then cast out that demon.

Jesus went around healing everyone who came to Him. At the same time He could not do any miracle in places where people would not believe in Him.

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