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Pointers along the way #769

Misplaced faithfulness

- Jacob Ninan

The Pharisees complained one day to Jesus that His disciples weren't taking care to wash their hands before food. Jesus used that occasion to teach the disciples where true priorities ought to be. It wasn't about external things but what went on inside the heart. Jesus knew that the Pharisees were like impressive tombs on the outside with their faithfulness to keep the external rules they had made for themselves, while it was rotting and stinking inside their hearts (Mt.23:27). Jesus said, "Out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders. These are the things which defile the man; but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile the man" (15:19,20). The danger is that very few can see the inside while most are impressed by the outside!

What are some of the external things many people follow religiously these days? Going to church, reading the Bible daily, paying money to the church, 'serving' in the church activities, saying 'grace' before meals, etc. But what is going on in their minds and hearts? Complaints about others, unforgiving attitudes, ways of making more money, lust, anger and hatred, bitterness towards God, selfish desires, etc. Will church attendance or Bible reading compensate for these?

Physical health is a god for many nowadays. There is great attention to counting calories, time at the gym, eating only organic food, etc. For many others, it is about relaxation with the TV or cinema to de-stress themselves. Some others make up 'bucket lists' to fulfil their dreams before they leave this world.

While people focus on 'having a good life' they don't realise that their minds are being coloured and shaped by the wisdom, philosophy and values of this world, in a very surreptitious way. They become more and more conformed to this age (world) from which Jesus came to set them free (Ga.1:4). They place more value on what the 'experts' say than to what God says in His word. They adapt their Christianity to their present time, not realising that this world lies in the hands of the evil one (1Jn.5:19), and that their goal should be conformed to the mind of God.

We get exposed to the world all the time whether we want it or not. There are also things we choose to expose ourselves to, e.g., contents of the media. Obviously we can't run away from the world. But don't we need to be careful when we choose things that are optional to us. Above all, don't we need to fill our minds with the wisdom of the word of God so that our minds can be transformed to the way God values people and things? Don't we also need to choose what we allow to enter our minds from outside?

Faithfulness is required in every area of our life. But isn't it most important to be faithful in our heart and mind which determines our relationship with God first of all, and also with one another? Isn't our character what will be valuable both in this world and the world to come (1Ti.4:8)?


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