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Pointers along the way #781

Not burdensome?

- Jacob Ninan

"For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome" (1Jn.5:3). For whom are the commandments not a burden? For those who 'love' to keep them! It is obvious that for others who like to do their own thing God's commandments are seen as getting in their way or as something that takes fun away from their lives. Such people consider these same commandments as spoil-sports or unreasonable restrictions! This should show us where our heart stands in relation to God!

It is a fact that none of us is born here as an angel. We are all born in sin (Ps.51:5). After we are born, this sinful tendency shows up very early in our behaviour. Actually we are all born as 'children of the devil' (Jn.8:44) because we come from Adam and Eve who surrendered relationship with God by yielding to Satan on that fateful day. That's why we need to be 'born again' to become children of God.

It is when we come to God in humility and sincerity, admitting our sins and asking Him to forgive and accept us because we believe that Jesus died on the cross in our place, that God causes us to be born again (regenerates our spirit which was 'dead in sin' (Ep.2:1) and disconnected from God) by the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. This is the promise of the new covenant that He will give us a new spirit, write His laws into our heart and mind and help us to walk in His ways (Je.31:33; Ez.36:25-27). Then, of course, we will begin to 'love' God's laws and hate our old sinful ways (He.1:9).

Now we can check for ourselves whether this has taken place in our life – this will tell us whether we have truly become children of God.

In these days when the Gospel message has been watered down and the narrow gate that opens to life has been made wide (Mt.7:13,14), many are mistakenly assuming that they have become children of God headed for heaven. Instead of getting a shock after death, we can know now itself where we stand in relation to God. A Christian name, birth in a Christian family, going to church, baptism or becoming active in Christian activities can't substitute for being born again (Jn.3:3). Even if we sincerely think that it is well with our soul, we would be mistaken if we have not been born again.

A very common mistake many people make is to merely 'accept Jesus as their Saviour' in their mind without having seen themselves as sinners in God's sight who deserve His judgment and yielding themselves to Him trusting in His love for them. It is not a matter of the words we use but what goes on inside our heart and how we relate to God.

But God has opened the Gospel to everyone saying that 'all' who call on Him will be saved (Ac.2:21). No one will be rejected who go to Him in sincerity and truth (Jn.6:37). Instead of pretending that we are good people whom God must accept or justifying ourselves before Him, why don't we choose the path of humility and respond to this great salvation He is freely offering us?


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